Friday, May 29, 2015

STARDATE 052915, Over CERES Station, Sol Alpha

As we near Terra, we have flown over several former Alliance outposts and bases. So far, with no exception, none of them have answered subether transmissions nor are they emitting their standard beacon signals. It is becoming more clear to us daily that either the Alliance has abandoned this system as they did the Transmaniacon and likely other missions or it has been destroyed entirely. In nearly 850,000 years, both are reasonable possibilities. Currently we are in orbit around CERES Station in the asteroid belt. Both the station and the planetoid are lifeless. The station itself has gone dark, no lights or pulses detected and was only able to be located by coordinates we had stored on DNA drives in the ship's archive. We have opted not to send a reconnaissance team to investigate and instead proceed to the main station of Mars at the base of Olympus Mons, Barsoom Station. If it is inactive, the whole planet will likely be dead as the station itself was holding the atmosphere and ecosystems in check. We have only 5 remaining crew members at his point- Captain, Science Officer, Engineering Specialist,  Trade Envoy (who has become our gunner as well due to necessity) and Cleric. Since our last landing near Bernard's Star Delta (no one had named the planets of the system, so we have opted to use this to signify it is the 4th from the star) we have chosen to proceed against the standard chain of command but instead as a collective, survival being the prime directive above bureaucracy. This has brought a new closeness to a very scared and uncertain group, none of us knowing what we will find once we reach Terra again.
At current rate of travel, we will achieve a holding orbit of Terra in 2 days. Our pace has slowed significantly since we made our warp jump into Sol Alpha, which is best for conservation of resources. Upon reaching Terra,we will refuel and remove the non operational stasis pods that remain on board. Regardless of what we find there, from this point forward we will maintain our independence and claim ownership and command of the Transmaniacon for ourselves.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

STARDATE 052915, Europan Sector, Sol Alpha

We, the abandoned of the starship Transmaniacon SF, have re-entered Alliance space for the first time in aeons. There is no clear estimation how long we have been gone, but there is also no estimation how long we shall stay. At closest guess, we've been on mission for 850,000 Earth years due to displacement from light speed travel. Everyone and everything we've ever known has been long dead or long destroyed by now most assuredly. We have had no communication with the Alliance despite several attempts via subether secure radio. It is not outside of the realm of possibility that the Alliance as a power has also been long destroyed. In recent flyby, the outpost on Miranda is unlit and is emitting no beacon signal. Dialogue among our crew has made it clear they are all hesitant to return to Earth. We shall meet soon to render decision.